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Coconut Oil Toothpaste Alternative Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

You’ve probably heard about the wonderful effects of coconut oil. You can cook, clean, wash your face, condition your hair, and even prevent tooth decay with this versatile, natural product that can be found in almost any grocery store.

A recent study by the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland has shown that coconut oil toothpaste alternative can serve yet another purpose as "an effective alternative to chemical additives" in most dental hygiene products. Many who are on board with the holistic, all-natural way of living, which has increased in popularity in recent years, are beaming about this discovery. They can avoid sulfate chemicals and added fluoride by using coconut oil as a toothpaste alternative. While this is a significant discovery, it is important to note that products containing coconut oil have yet to be endorsed by the American Dental Association because this process can take several years. Here is a recipe you can make at home, to make using coconut oil as a toothpaste alternative a more sudsy, toothpaste-like experience, courtesy of The Paleo Hygienist:

Coconut Oil Toothpaste Recipe

Many who have a sensitivity to fluoride or other chemical additives may benefit from using coconut oil as a mouth rinse (also called “oil pulling”) or or using coconut oil as a toothpaste alternative during their daily cleaning regimen.

If you are interested in cosmetic dental procedures please schedule a consultation today with the top cosmetic dentists in Beverly Hills.

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