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HOW E-CIGARETTES CAN DAMAGE YOUR ORAL HEALTHRifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Quitting smoking is a very difficult task. One of the most popular methods of “quitting” is through the use of an electronic cigarette. This alternative to smoking claims to be healthier than cigarettes, and smokers everywhere have jumped on the bandwagon. While e-cigarettes help eliminate some of the undesirable effects of smoking (like the unpleasant smell and yellowed teeth), they can have severe implications on your overall oral health.

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

The Effects of Nicotine on Your Oral Health

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Electronic cigarettes have far fewer regulations on them than their predecessors. They offer up a water vapor based alternative to tobacco, however, they, like cigarettes, contain a dangerous amount of nicotine. Nicotine is known to cause oral issues like:

Continual use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) can have similar effects to cigarettes. The consumption of nicotine, in any form, can have horrible implications on your overall health. It is a highly addictive substance that rapidly travels through your bloodstream and releases adrenaline that then restricts blood circulation which increases your heart rate as well as your blood pressure. This lack of circulation can slow down your body’s ability to fight off disease and produce new cells. This especially affects the gums and oftentimes weakens them. This fad in smoking alternatives is not healthier and does not spare you from the dental issues caused by cigarettes.

Other Dangers of E-Cigarettes

Studies show that electronic cigarettes contain carcinogens that are just as hazardous as those found in cigarettes. This means that e-cigarettes also contain countless cancer causing agents that you should abstain from inhaling. According to the FDA, some brands of e-cigarettes contain an ingredient predominantly used in anti-freeze that is known to cause cancer, diethylene glycol. Other carcinogens found in e-cigarettes include propylene oxide and glycidol.

While e-cigarettes propose a slightly less dangerous alternative to cigarettes, they are by no means good for your health. For more information on oral health, schedule an appointment with the best cosmetic dentists in Beverly Hills.

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