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The Difference Between Dental Inlays Onlays and Crowns Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental crowns (also referred to as caps) are a traditional method for restoring worn out and broken teeth. It is estimated that millions of crowns are placed in American patients every year. While crowns have been around for quite some time, they’re not the only option for restoring decaying, broken, or cracked teeth. Evolution in restorative dentistry has allowed for less aggressive options, such as porcelain inlays and onlays, to be available. When selecting a method of tooth restoration it is important to consider factors like how much of the natural tooth structure remains, and the location of the tooth. It is important to know the differences between dental inlays, onlays, and crowns in order to salvage as much of your natural tooth as possible.

Dental Crowns

What Can Restorative Dentistry Solve?

What Are Porcelain Crowns?

A crown is a covering that completely covers the tooth and restores it to its original size and shape. In instances of cosmetic enhancement, crowns can be used to better the appearance of the tooth. In extreme situations, crowns are used to restore teeth that require root canal surgery.

What Are Porcelain Inlays and Onlays?

Made from porcelain that emulates tooth enamel, dental inlays and onlays are natural looking and more aesthetically pleasing than crowns or metal fillings. They are non-toxic and metal-free. If you have metal fillings you may want to consider replacing them with porcelain inlays or onlays.

A porcelain inlay is a customised filling that is generally placed in the centre of the tooth. A porcelain onlay (sometimes referred to as a partial crown) is similar to an inlay, however, it extends beyond the centre to replace one or more of the tooth’s chewing cusps or fix irregularly shaped teeth.

Which Option is Best for You?

When considering crowns, inlays, or onlays in the Beverly Hills area, it is important to consult a restorative dentist who will select the most appropriate option for you. Dr Raanan, top restorative dentist in the 90210 area, believes in conservative dentistry and saving as much of your tooth’s natural structure as possible. His honest approach to dentistry ensures that you receive the treatment that is best for your smile.

“Dr. Raanan’s philosophy of always choosing treatment that will save as much of the tooth structure as possible is the most altruistic, empathetic perspective I’ve ever run across. To find a dentist who actually cares for your overall well being, who only deals with high quality craftsmanship, materials, equipment and personnel, is incredibly hard to find. I’ve tried, trust me.” – Mars M.

“Before visiting Dr. Rodney, I had consulted with another dentist in the building who insisted that I get all 6 of my front teeth veneered to make sure they match in color. I am so glad I didn’t make that mistake! Dr. Rodney explained that only two veneers were needed in my case and that he would perfectly match the color with my natural teeth.” – Marta M.

Book your appointment with one of the top Beverly Hills cosmetic dentists Drs. Rifkin and Raanan today.

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