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What To Do When Teeth Whitening Doesn't Work Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Professional teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures in Beverly Hills. Bleaching offers an effective solution for yellowed teeth, however, there are some instances where it doesn’t work. Teeth whitening may not be right for you if you have severe stains or damaged teeth. Not to worry, there are alternatives to give you the bright smile you deserve! Porcelain veneers are a foolproof way for getting a whiter, more beautiful smile that lasts

Covering mouth

Why Porcelain Veneers Work

Professional whitening works best on stains that reside on the surface of your tooth’s enamel. These types of stains are caused by food, beverage, or the use of tobacco products. Bleaching cannot correct discoloration due to a weakened enamel, decay, and trauma. That’s where porcelain veneers come in. Porcelain veneers are able to fix:

Thin porcelain shells are bonded to the front of your teeth providing extra strength and an aesthetically pleasing look. Veneers are highly customizable and can come in a wide range of shades and colors to give you a perfect shade of white. The procedure is just as speedy as whitening, and only requires two visits to your cosmetic dentist. Your veneers will last far longer than any whitening treatment, averaging around a decade.

In addition to masking discoloration, porcelain veneers also act as a stain repellant. Unlike your natural teeth, veneers do not yellow over time. The foods and beverages that are notorious for staining your teeth have no effect on porcelain veneers. Veneers are an investment that proves to be far less expensive than regular whitenings over time. They’ll improve your smile with a gorgeous and natural look that will last for years.

What Are You Waiting For?

Schedule your consultation for porcelain veneers with the top Beverly Hills cosmetic dentists Drs. Rifkin and Raanan.

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Come in for a consultation and find out all about the best cosmetic dentistry in Beverly Hills. Let Rifkin Raanan help you Own Your Smileâ„¢.

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